Wednesday 10 April 2019

Virtual Networking

VNET- Customer managed secure, isolated virtual network.

·        Services and VMs that are part of VNET can access each other.

·        Each VNET can have as many subnets

·        All services deployed within a VNET can access internet

Typed of VNETs

·        Cloud only VNET

o   When a VNET created in Azure

o   VMs and services access through endpoints.

o   No configuration of VPN device required.

·        Cross premise Virtual network(Hybrid network)

o   Connection of On-Premise network with the Cloud VNET through site to site tunnel.

o   Requires a VPN device.

VNet Address space and Subnet

o   Specify Topology during VNET creation: address space and subnet

o   Private address space

§  This is the range VMs and services can use

§  Non Routable(these can’t access by public network)

§  Specified in CIDR Notation (classless inter domain routing)

· to

· to

· to

o   Subnet

§  Break up the network with more manageable sections.

§  All services can access across subnets.

§  Network security groups can be utilized to implement rules .

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Visual Studio 2019 new features

The Visual Studio 2019 has been released. This release has so many features that are focused on the productivity of the developers and team collaboration, such as - better search, one-click code cleanup, debugger improvement, and management of pull requests from IDE. These are some of the core features specifically designed for improving the productivity of the dev team.

Visual Studio 2019 IDE Features and Improvements

Start Page
We will see a completely new look of VS2019 startup window. We can directly clone a repository, open an existing project, create a new project, and navigate as well as open a folder for code changes. We see a link as “Continue without code” which opens the VS2019 IDE without any solution.

Live Share
The live share enhances the developer collaboration but to use this feature, a developer must sign into Visual Studio so that the other developers would know who is sharing the information.
  • The Live Share option is available at the right-end corner.
  • The developer can sign in using a Microsoft account or Microsoft-backed school or work account.
  • By default, Visual Studio uses a personalization account for the Live Share feature though, we can change the account details for Live Share from the option, as shown in the screenshot, by navigating to Tools > Options > Live Share > User account to switch the credentials.


  • Click on the Live Share option to start a collaboration session. Once the Live Share environment is ready, we will see a “Sharing” menu and an invitation link copied to the clipboard that we can share with other team members to join the session.
  • A team member can join a Live Share session by navigating to “File > Join Collaboration Session” and providing the Live Share Invitation Link.

Better Search
  • This feature is dedicated to the developer's productivity. The new search is capable to search almost everything like menus, commands, options, installable components, project code, and Online as well. shortcut Cntl+Q

One-click code cleanup
  • We see a new option while opening a file which tells about the health of the file.

We can run as well as configure the code clean-up rule as per our need by right-clicking on the Health Indicator icon and choosing the “Configure Code Cleanup” opens a window to configure the customized rule.

Integrated code reviews
new extension that you can download to use with Visual Studio 2019. With this new extension, you can review, run, and even debug pull requests from your team without leaving Visual Studio. We support code in both GitHub and Azure DevOps repositoris.

Debugger improvement
We see a Search option in the Autos, Locals, and Watch window while debugging the code. By default, the search is available for three hierarchy level. As we know, complex objects have a deeper hierarchy, more than three, so that can also be configured using Settings icon in Autos, Locals and Watch window.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

What is .Net Core

.NET Core is the new open-source and cross-platform framework to build applications for all operating systems including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Use .NET Core for your server application when:

·        You have cross-platform needs.
·        You are targeting microservices.
·        You are using Docker containers.
·        You need high-performance and scalable systems.
·        You need side-by-side .NET versions per application.

High-performance and scalable system without UI
.NET Core is much faster.
Docker containers support 
Both, but .NET Core is born to live in a container.
Heavily reply on command line
.NET Core has better support.
Cross-platform needs
.NET Core
Using Microservices
Both, but .NET Core is designed to keep today's needs in mind.
User interface centric Web applications
.NET Framework is better now until .NET Core catches up.
Windows client applications using Windows Forms and WPF
.NET Framework
Already have a pre-configured environment and systems
.NET Framework is better.
Stable version for immediate need to build and deploy
.NET Framework has a been around since 2001. .NET Core is just a baby.
Have existing experienced .NET team
.NET Core has a learning curve.
Time is not a problem. Experiments are acceptable. No rush to deployment.
.NET Core is the future of .NET.

Monday 28 January 2019

Connect to remote shared folder and copy content

net use k: $destinationFile /user:$username $password
New-Item -Path k:/$buildn -ItemType Directory -Force //create new folder in remote machine
xcopy $sourceFile k:/$buildn /E /Y /I    //Copy files to shared location
net use k: /delete